UK Water Industry
Since working with Yorkshire Water in 2004 we have continued support the economic appraisal of investment in the water industry. For the 2009 periodic review of prices we supported 14 water companies on the development of the strategic investment plan.
Our investment planning and optimisation systems were used 11 water companies - representing 70% of water industry expenditure - to produce the CBA business plans for PR09.
Areas Covered
Investment Valuation
- Integrate and Develop CBA
-Develop Service Measure Framework
Service Valuation
- Customer WTP Studies
_ Societal Valuation Completion
- Valuation Transition
- Internal Cost of Service Failure
Assesments Risks, Needs and Solutions
- Asset Deterioration modelling
- Service Reliability Modelling
Optimisation and Planning
- Investment Selection and optimisation
- Translate to Business as usual
Support and Advice
- Peer Review
- Commentary Support